Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Amazon EC2

Steps for setting up a free ec2 micro account:
  • Sign up for a free ec2 account
    • You will need to create a new AWS account if you already have one
  • Log into the AWS Management Console
  • Create a micro Linux account - choose an EBS backed AMI (Official Ubuntu AMI's are uploaded by user 099720109477)
  • Make sure security group has SSH access
  • Download pem file (can store in same directory or ~/.ssh/identity - ~/.ssh/id_dsa for newer ssh versions)
  • chmod 400 [KEY].pem
  • From folder of pem file connect with: ssh -i [KEY].pem ec2-user@[ID].compute-1.amazonaws.com (user name may be root or ubuntu, depending on instance)
  • Send files with: scp -i [KEY].pem file [USER]@[ID].compute-1.amazonaws.com:
  • Mount filesystem: sshfs [USER]@[ID].compute-1.amazonaws.com: ~/mnt -o IdentityFile=[KEY].pem
  • Unmount: fusermount -u ~/mnt


Unknown said...

Hi there.
I have done this, subscribed free ec2 account and surprisingly Amazon has sent me a bill to pay.
Actually they sent two, one for each month.
I answered them saying I had subscribed a free account. Of course they never answered me. I replied at least 5 times to their "warning" emails but they never read them.
So, I did not pay until someone in Amazon realizes they should read their customer feedback. IF they don't, they will wonder why they have X$ a year of unpaid services.

I almost didn't use the VM I installed, I had to install several times the same because I was losing access sometimes, due to their strict way with the keys that doesn't work that well. I saw this in forums as well.

Did you have a similar experience?


Richard said...

The account is free but they still charge you for usage over certain limits.
The bill will break down the costs.

I found the micro instance didn't have enough CPU for my work so now I am renting a larger one.